The DeLorme tools are free to use, for personal and commercial use. However, as the author is on a quest to purchase the world, donations are always welcome and encouraged.

XMap ShapeFile Importer

This program allows the user to import multiple Shapefiles into specified layers. Instead of dragging and dropping individual shapefiles into XMap to create new layers, or following multiple click to even append layers, this application will scan a specified directory and subdirectories for all shapefiles and allow the user to organize them by name into new or existing layers in an XMap database.


The latest version is v1.0.0.122, download the MSI here (.5Mb).


Minimum requirements for proper operation of the program are:


Click here for the Help page (walkthorugh) of the program.

Known Issues

First, let me say that the program is not polished. It was thrown together for personal use in importing and appending the hundreds of OS OpenData shapefiles into an XMap database. I figured that I had put enough code into it to make it useful for other applications (like downloading shapefiles from USGS and other sources) to release it to the public. Having said that, there's only a few potential issues I know of:


The application is free to use, donations are appreciated. If you use the application, letting me know is also appreciated - it lets me know that I didn't post this here for my own happy thoughts.

Important - This program is provided as-is. Neither the author of this program, nor the author of XMap can be held responcible for dataloss by using the application. Be sure to test your import on a sample database before using it to import into a live active database.