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XMap ShapeFile Importer Help

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Launching Program

To launch the program, go to the start menu and fin the installation (usually Start -> TSQMadness -> DeLorme Shapefile Importer). XMap does not have to be runnnig, but does need to be installed on the system.

Select Folders

First Tab - Select Directories

On the first tab you will be given two entry boxes. The first entry box ("Base Shapefile Directory") is the root folder that contains subfolders of shapefiles. The program will start scanning this folder, and scan all directories contained within this folder for .SHP files for importing.

The second directory is for loacing the installation of XMap. (Usually C:\Program Files\DeLorme\XMap\ or C:\Program Files (x86)\DeLorme\Xmap\ on 64-bit systems.)

To select the directory, either click on the Folder button, or double-click the textboxes. Once the proper directories are selected, the second tab will become enabled.

Database Configuration

Second Tab - Database and Layer Configuration

The second tab is where you set up database options and layer importing options. The settings on this page are as follows:

Scan Shapefiles

Third Tab - Scan For Shapefiles

Press the "Scan" button to scan for files. No changes are made at this time, the program is only scanning for all the shapefiles to get their names and locations. At this time, the program will throw an error if you do not have permission to the directory (or any subdirectory) specified in the first tab. The first step of the scan may take a while as the application is waiting for the operating system to return a list of all *.SHP files. After that, the program will sort and find unique names of the files before letting you continue on to the next tab.

If there were no shapefiles in teh directory specified, you will be forced to go back and input a different scanning directory.

Layer Names

Depending on the layer option you selected in the Database Layer configuration screen, you could get one of two screens here:

When finished assigning names, click the next tab.

Import Files

Fifth Tab - Importing

When you are ready to perform the import, click the 'Start Import' button. Importing will start, and you can watch the output from XMap's import program in the log under the progress bar. To cancel, click the cancel button, importing will stop after the current import is finished. The import process normally won't get interrupted so you should not be left with any corrupted data.

Menu Bar

The menu proved some basic commands: